Clyde JacksonIII

Basketball Shoes Make A Difference
Shoes Basketball

Do Basketball Shoes Make A Difference?

Clyde JacksonIII

In a game as fast and physical as basketball, every advantage counts. So do the right shoes make a difference? ...

High Top Basketball Shoes Prevent Ankle Sprains
Shoes Basketball

Do High Top Basketball Shoes Prevent Ankle Sprains?

Clyde JacksonIII

Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries among athletes, particularly those who play basketball. Wearing high-top basketball shoes ...

Basketball Shoes To Play Basketball
Shoes Basketball

Do You Need Basketball Shoes To Play Basketball?

Clyde JacksonIII

No, you don’t need basketball shoes to play basketball, but they will give you an advantage. Traditional sneakers don’t provide ...

Basketball Shoes Make You Jump Higher
Shoes Basketball

Do Basketball Shoes Make You Jump Higher?

Clyde JacksonIII

Basketball is a sport that requires a lot of jumping. Many people believe that the type of shoe you wear ...

High-Tops Vs. Low-Tops
Shoes Basketball

High-Tops Vs. Low-Tops

Clyde JacksonIII

In the world of sneakers, there is a never-ending debate between those who prefer high-tops and those who prefer low-tops. ...

Basketball Shoes Look Like
Shoes Basketball

What Do Basketball Shoes Look Like?

Clyde JacksonIII

Basketball shoes have a long and storied history. They are designed to protect the feet of the athletes who wear ...

Basketball Make You Taller
Blog Basketball

Does Basketball Make You Taller?

Clyde JacksonIII

Your height is mainly determined by genetics, and there’s not much you can do to change it. However, Basketball can ...

Basketball Shoes Supposed To Be Tight
Shoes Basketball

Are Basketball Shoes Supposed To Be Tight?

Clyde JacksonIII

Why Are Basketball Shoes Important? Basketball shoes are one of the most important pieces of equipment for a basketball player. ...

Basketball Shoes VS Running Shoes
Shoes Basketball

Basketball Shoes VS Running Shoes

Clyde JacksonIII

Basketball and running shoes are both popular choices for athletes and non-athletes. They each have unique benefits that make them ...

Girls Wear Men's Basketball Shoes
Shoes Basketball

Can Girls Wear Men’s Basketball Shoes?

Clyde JacksonIII

In recent years, the lines between men’s and women’s fashion have blurred. And now, with the rising popularity of athleisure, ...