Play/Rules and Regulations
“Improve your basketball skills”. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, the below collection of drills, tutorials, and strategies will help you take your game to the next level.

Play/Rules and Regulations Basketball
How To Slash In Basketball?
Slashing in basketball is a term used to describe an offensive move that involves a player driving aggressively to the ...

Play/Rules and Regulations Basketball
What Is Skunk In Basketball?
What Is A Skunk In Basketball? A skunk in basketball is a term used to describe a situation where one ...

Play/Rules and Regulations Basketball
When Can You Call Subs In Basketball?
Substitutions in basketball can occur at any point during the game, provided certain guidelines are followed. Substitutions can be made ...

Play/Rules and Regulations Basketball
Why Do Basketball Players Flop?
Basketball players flop for a variety of reasons. Flopping is when a player exaggerates contact to draw a foul from ...

Play/Rules and Regulations Basketball
Who Invented The Triangle Offense In Basketball?
The triangle offense is a complex and unique basketball strategy implemented by some of the NBA’s greatest coaches. It was ...

Play/Rules and Regulations Basketball
What Is The Slot In Basketball?
What Is The Slot In Basketball? The slot in basketball is an area on the court located directly in front ...

Play/Rules and Regulations Basketball
What Is A Double Dribble Violation In Basketball?
A double-dribble violation, also known as a double-dribble, is an infraction in basketball when a player simultaneously touches the ball ...

Play/Rules and Regulations Basketball
What Is A Buzzer In Basketball?
Buzzer in basketball definition: A buzzer in basketball is a sound effect used to indicate the end of a period ...

Play/Rules and Regulations Basketball
What Does TS Stand For In Basketball?
what is ts in basketball? In basketball, TS stands for True Shooting Percentage. This metric measures a player’s overall shooting ...

Play/Rules and Regulations Basketball
What Does Bank Shot Mean In Basketball?
Bank shot is a term used in basketball to describe shooting a ball and having it hit the backboard or ...